Dr. Scott Solomons

Paleo Based Functional Dentistry And Medicine


Beyond Carbs and Fats: The Real Cause of Chronic Diseases in the Modern World



From the Maasai of East Africa, who thrive on animal-based fats, to the Kitavans and Tukisenta, who rely primarily on carbohydrate-rich foods, these diverse groups have lived free from the chronic diseases that plague modern societies—despite consuming diets that would challenge conventional dietary wisdom. Interestingly, many of these populations, such as the Kitavans and Maasai, smoke regularly yet do not suffer from high rates of cancer or heart disease. This article examines what we can learn from their lifestyles and dietary patterns, emphasizing how processed foods, especially refined carbohydrates and seed oils, are likely at the root of modern health crises. Through the lens of these traditional cultures, I explore how real, whole foods promote health and how the modern diet is undermining it.


This website is about creating a comprehensive approach to how you live life. It's about learning from the past to help define YOUR future! 




The Paleo/Primal/Ancestral/Nutrivore Diet  is about making more nutritious food choices by eating like our hunter gatherer ancestors. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that you have to go out foraging in the woods for your dinner! It simply means you should avoid eating foods that are processed and high in empty calories. Instead, stick to the healthy, nutrient dense foods that have been around for a very long time. A diet high in vegetables with animal meats/seafood, fruits and some nuts.


THE most important thing in life other than oxygen and water is sleep. We can go for a month with no food - and we can live a long time on a poor diet. We can even go a lifetime without exercise. But we can only survive without sleep for seven days!  Proper sleep (I recommend 7 and a half to 8 hrs) is necessary for optimal health. If you have a perfect diet and workout routine, but only sleep for a few hours each night, you will not be healthy. Sleep Hygiene is the term used to describe the methods you can use to help get the sleep you deserve.


Dr. Solomons Is Certified In SMART Mercury Removal

All dental amalgams, also referred to as silver fillings, contain over 50% mercury which is a neurotoxin that is constantly released in the form of an invisible vapor. Laws dictate that unused amalgam must be placed in special containers, not the garbage! The process of drilling out amalgam fillings releases even higher quantities of mercury vapor and fine particulates (more toxic than the vapor) that can be inhaled and absorbed through the lungs. This is potentially harmful to patients, dentists, other dental workers, and the fetuses of patients.


The human body is designed to get up in the morning and look for food. This means that we are designed to move for a good portion of each day. Gathering activities do not require running all day. Hunting requires mostly stalking, with some sprinting and carrying of the carcass. Our genes have optimized us for this behavior. Our grandparents' only exercise was daily living. Obesity affected one in ten back then. We spend way more time in the gym today, yet two out of three are overweight. What is going on?


I would define chronic stress as an environmental or psychological pressure that places an upward demand on the body’s regulatory systems.   Over time, the body produces too much cortisol (the major stress hormone), and the body becomes insulin and leptin resistant.  This causes carbohydrate cravings, obesity, hypertension, high triglycerides, low HDL, atherosclerosis, diabetes, sleep apnea, clenching, grinding, digestive disorders, osteoporosis, coronary artery plaque formation, heart attacks, strokes, and cancer.


Dr. Solomons Is Trained in Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine seeks to identify and address the root causes of disease, and views the body as one integrated system, not a collection of independent organs divided up by medical specialties. It treats the whole system, not just the symptoms. Functional medicine practitioners spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. In this way, functional medicine supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual.