Dr. Scott Solomons

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The Netflix Series "Bad Surgeon" Highlights The Criminal Medical Ethics of One Man. Sadly Similar Ethics Were Used During COVID.

I just watched the documentary "Bad Surgeon," which is available on Netflix. It details the privileged lifestyle and works of a physician, Paolo Macchiarini, who appeared to be pioneering groundbreaking surgeries that could help save the lives of people who otherwise would die. In the end, it is revealed that he skipped critical research, hid his devastating outcomes, used faulty techniques, and did not truly care for his patients, colleagues, family, or friends. In short, he was a sociopath only concerned with his reputation and lifestyle. He used the excuse that the people were going to die, so he thought his "experimental" procedures were an acceptable means of saving lives. His actions were no different than those imposed on us during the height of COVID by most of the governing bodies of the globe. The difference is that Dr. Macchiarini’s patients were not forced into treatment. They all tried to justify their ethical misconduct by telling us they were only trying to save us.

However, the Hippocratic oath is explicit that the physician, above all, should cause no harm. To make matters worse, some of Macchiarini’s patients were not in dire need of treatment and ended up needlessly dying. I found it heartbreaking to watch his patients suffer. I found it harder to watch the whole world go through lockdowns and improperly tested medical treatment, especially when the majority were in little peril.

Importance of Animal Trials in Medical Experimentation: A Crucial Ethical Aspect

I was pleasantly surprised that at the end of the three-part documentary, they delved into the crucial ethical lapses that arise from bypassing animal trials before conducting medical experiments on humans. The reason for my surprise was that Netflix would release the documentary so soon after the COVID vaccine controversy. The controversy is that governments and the media misled the public, leading to rushing the vaccines out before they were properly tested for vaccinating everyone on the planet at least twice.

The documentary boldly brings to the forefront the paramount importance of animal research in the preliminary phases of medical experimentation, emphasizing that this step is not just a routine procedure but a fundamental aspect of ensuring safety and efficacy. Since doctors are not supposed to cause harm in treating their patients, doing untested procedures is a no-no because potential harm needs to be determined before you treat the patient through rigorous testing, including animal testing. Unfortunately, the vaccines skipped critical steps in the process of determining whether it was safe.

Ethical Concerns Surrounding the Rapid COVID-19 Vaccination Process

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 vaccination process was carried out very quickly, and people were vaccine-injured. It was immediately apparent that the virus was killing the old and infirm, and the general population was not at any greater risk than a bad flu. However, the governments of the world disregarded this critical information and made it seem like the virus would equally kill the young as well as the old. This helped promote the implementation of the "Emergency Use Authorization" (EUA), which allowed for a faster approval process. However, this approach raised some ethical concerns as it deviated from the usual research methods, such as comprehensive animal trials and skipping the usual strict clinical trial processes to meet the demands of the pandemic.

Lockdowns: Another Untested Intervention

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about major reactions, including lockdowns, masks, and social distancing measures. These actions were unprecedented on such a large scale, and their potential harm was unknown. Currently, the death rate is higher than normal, and some people are questioning whether the vaccines and lockdown measures are to blame. However, those who originally imposed these measures show little interest in investigating the matter. Therefore, it is important to demand more studies to understand the situation better.

Concerns Over the Lack of a Control Group in COVID-19 Vaccine Trials

Sadly, during the development of COVID-19 vaccines, the control group taking placebo shots was vaccinated, which is usually never done because it makes it impossible to study the long-term safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, as there was no longer a group for comparison. This made it almost impossible to be completely sure that the vaccine is safe and effective in the long term.

V-Safe and the US Government’s Attempt to Hide Data

 The CDC's V-safe system, which is meant to track vaccine side effects, is now one of the only ways to track the long-term safety of the vaccines. Sadly, they were not releasing the data. The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) took legal action against the CDC because they wanted the V-safe data to be made public. The preliminary data shows that the vaccines injured many people, and some died. Some people, Steve Kirsch being one, are estimating that as many as 17 million people may have died from the vaccines. 1 This shows how important it is for scientists to share their findings with the public. When they don't, people start to doubt whether they can trust the system to keep them safe.

Medical Ethics Are Non-Negotiable

Adhering to medical ethics when doing medical research is non-negotiable, as lives are at stake. This includes testing new treatments on animals before trying them on humans. It also involves transparency in methods, statistical analytic methods, and reputable data. The documentary emphasizes that not following ethical standards in medical research can be fatal. In the case of a single unethical doctor skirting recognized safety protocols, dozens of patients' well-being is at stake. In the case of global rollouts of vaccines, billions of lives are placed under potential harm. It reminds us that scientists, pharmaceutical companies, and the governments that oversee them must be honest and clear about their work, especially when it comes to developing vaccines for diseases that affect the world. By being truthful and ethical in research, we can ensure that the treatments we develop are truly safe and effective for everyone.