Download TMJ Problems and How to Solve Them HERE
TMJ Problems and How to Solve Them
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a hinge joint that attaches your lower jaw (mandible) to the temporal bone of your skull in front of each ear. This joint allows your jaw to move up and down and side to side so you can open and close your mouth. TMJ pain can be moderate or severe and can be caused by:
Grinding or clenching teeth
· Stress which can cause a person to tighten facial muscles
· Chewing gum
· Presence of arthritis in the joint
· Dislocation of the cushion or disc between the ball and socket
TMJ Symptoms
So how do you know if you have a TMJ problem? You should always seek the advice of your dentist, but here are some typical signs:
· Pain or tenderness in the face and jaw joint, especially when opening and closing your mouth.
· Difficulty opening your mouth very wide
· Difficulty chewing
· Sensation that teeth are not lining up properly
· Clicking, popping or grinding sensation in the joint when eating, talking or opening your mouth
· Jaw gets locked in the open or close position
· Ear ringing or pain (like ear ache)
· Facial swelling
· Neck and shoulder pain
Recommendations to relieve TMJ symptoms
Short Term Relief
Over the counter NSAIDS (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs)
Doctor prescribed medications such as Medrol (to relive inflammation) or Diazepam (to relieve muscle spasms)
No gum
Soft diet
Apply moist heat to tender muscles
Massage and gently exercise tender muscles - Fist under chin exercise is best - Place palm or fist under chin and try to open against pressure for 10 seconds on and off throughout the day. Ask Dr Jo does a good job of demonstrating the appropriate exercises:
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Natural Calm Before Bed Kavinace 2-4 Before Bed
Choose the right foods to control inflammation
Include non-inflammatory foods like:
- Animal source of Omega-3 like Fish or grass-fed animals
- Use Butter or an oil like olive, coconut, avocado or red palm
- Vitamin A, D and K2 – A is in cod liver oil; D is in raw whole milk or egg yolks; K2 is in grass fed butter or ghee
Avoid Inflammatory foods like:
No Omega-6 oils like corn, soy, cotton and safflower
No Gluten. This is found in wheat, rye and barley
No Processed carbohydrates
No sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup