Mandatory Covid Vaccines: Does It All Add Up?

Rahm Emanuel once said, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” But the wisest one of all, my mother, always says, “ If you give someone an inch, they will think they are a ruler.” This country was founded on the knowledge that elected officials will generally seek more power, eventually morphing from public servants to “rulers”. The constitution was supposed to keep them in check.

The decision by President Biden to mandate vaccines for companies with over 100 employees, or have them tested weekly has thrilled some and angered others. Some believe he has the sole authority to mandate vaccines, others believe the constitution protects us from such decrees and the decision should be a personal choice. I am in the latter camp. I also believe the vaccines should be taken by anyone who wants them. I don’t think forcing people to take any medicine against their will is a good idea. It is illegal for a health professional to do this. I have found that positive motivation is the best way to persuade people to buy-in.

I believe we can all agree that the rationale behind the Covid vaccine mandate is inconsistent, fairly incoherent, and contradictory especially coming from highly ranked politicians. Let’s take a look at some of the inconsistencies and outright contradictory behavior from a few of them. I created the following memes and cite their origin below each one. They are not meant to sway you politically or bash any one individual. They are highlighting some recent examples of political flip-flopping, lack of consistency, and some incoherence.

This first one has president Biden exaggerating the effects of the vaccines recently, and then stunningly insinuating that vaccinated individuals are at risk. Which one is it? The CDC has 87% of over 65 deaths as having been vaccinated. I put my money on the CDC for this one. 1

The next one has the president telling us that only the unvaccinated are getting Covid. The CDC disagrees with his stance. Who is correct here? Again, I am with the CDC.

This next one speaks for itself. Why is congress exempt? Are they more important than us? It seems to send a bad message. Do as we say, not as we do?

Ben Franklin and most of the founding fathers knew that liberty is a fragile thing and that surrendering it for safety is dangerous. Franklin knew that governments often use fear to gain power and was in favor of limiting their power. Biden thinks otherwise. I’m with Ben on this one. What do you think?

“When we finally do, God willing, get a vaccine, who’s going to take the shot? Who’s going to take the shot? Are you going to be the first one to say sign me up?,” said candidate Biden. Candidate Biden did not seem like he wanted to jump right in. President Biden is all in now. I am personally with the candidate version of Biden. I believe skepticism is healthy. I also wanted to see the old, weak, and vulnerable get it first and was willing to wait.

13,068 deaths from the vaccine make it the most dangerous vaccine in history. The swine flu vaccine was terminated over less than 40 deaths, albeit the circumstances were different. Every vaccine death combined since VAERS was created 30 years ago only amounted to 8,871 total deaths prior to the Covid vaccines. Does president Biden know these statistics? What do you think?

I like the way the president thought last year. He is entitled to change his mind, of course.

I would hope that Dr. Fauci would have been more consistent on mask-wearing. His different views have left me feeling less confident in him. The studies over mask usage did not change between February and April of 2020, but Fauci’s stance did. His final stance has no scientific backing in the literature. I personally believe the Fauci from February of 2020. The science going way back to the 1918 pandemic generally concludes that they make no difference. Again, I think that if someone is comfortable wearing one, go for it.

This one is a real head scratcher. The vice president made her statement only hours before the president mandated vaccinations. Do they talk much?

During his speech on the 9th, president Biden said that “For the vast majority of you who’ve gotten vaccinated, I understand your anger at those who haven’t gotten vaccinated.” It would have been nice if he urged everyone to be calm. There is no excuse for a president to condone anger when he should be uniting us.

Too often in history, leaders have created scapegoats through fear. The witch trials of the 15th and 16th centuries are a good example. Irrational fear turned to scapegoating, then to killing. The perpetrators of this evil were highly religious people who became filled with fear. They thought that life would improve if they could wipe out witchcraft, which, of course, is an irrational notion. A more recent occurrence is the Jews in Nazi Germany. Again, they were erroneously blamed for the problems in Germany. We all know how that went. The American government also put Japanese-Americans in concentration camps during World War 2 over irrational fears that they would help bring America down. Their constitutional rights were absolutely trodden on. I am not suggesting that the unvaccinated are going to be rounded up or exterminated, but I am troubled to see scapegoating happening. Authoritarian governments have led to the death of hundreds of millions of countrymen just in the 20th century alone. As Voltaire famously said, “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

I hope we can all survive this thing in a civil manner. The sad fact is that mankind has caused more death and suffering than any natural disaster or plague. The following video discusses how political leaders intentionally mislead their citizens into irrational fear, making them easy to control, however, a side effect of their methods can lead to mass psychosis. Just click on the image below to view it.