Posts tagged CDC
The Netflix Series "Bad Surgeon" Highlights The Criminal Medical Ethics of One Man. Sadly Similar Ethics Were Used During COVID.

I just watched the documentary "Bad Surgeon," which is available on Netflix. It details the privileged lifestyle and works of a physician, Paolo Macchiarini, who appeared to be pioneering groundbreaking surgeries that could help save the lives of people who otherwise would die. In the end, it is revealed that he skipped critical research, hid his devastating outcomes, used faulty techniques, and did not truly care for his patients, colleagues, family, or friends. In short, he was a sociopath only concerned with his reputation and lifestyle. He used the excuse that the people were going to die, so he thought his "experimental" procedures were an acceptable means of saving lives. His actions were no different than those imposed on us during the height of COVID by most of the governing bodies of the globe. They all tried to justify their ethical misconduct by telling us they were only trying to save us. This post will cover some aspects of medical ethics as they relate to the documentary and the COVID pandemic.

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The Heart of the Matter

In a recent post, I wrote about some potential reasons for the increasing death rate among younger people, causing a higher death rate in 2021 than in the pandemic year of 2020. However, I have researched the subject much more and found some distressing correlations.

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Non-Covid Deaths Are at an All-time High: Some Plausible Explanations

I wrote about the increasing number of people dying in 2021 in August. The trend started around 2009. Interestingly, CDC death rates increased from 2020 to 2021, except for persons aged 75 and over. In other words, the increase in death was due to younger people dying, representing the ages least likely to die from Covid-19. As I had mentioned in the August 15 post, life insurance death claims for the five largest companies were up an average of 30% for people ages 18 to 64, corroborating the CDC findings. We were extremely worried about the rising death toll in 2020, but not in 2021, when more people died than in the pandemic year. I was distressed that nobody seemed interested in why this would be. I was on vacation then and said I would look into it to find out what was happening, and I have. I will discuss the CDC’s statistics from 2021 and a few other things I found out.

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Lack of Sleep May be Hurting Your Teen: Here’s What to Do About It

Today, I would like to talk about a few other causes of poor sleep, especially in children and especially teens, as they normally have earlier school start times. According to numerous studies, people, including children and teens, who sleep less than five hours per night are more vulnerable to respiratory infections. But the bad news doesn't end there. Poor sleep can eventually lead to certain forms of cancer, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, depression and other mental disorders, and obesity. At the end of the post, I will cover some helpful tips to help us and our children to sleep better-especially our teenagers.

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The Authorities Are Quickly Reversing Their Stance on Covid

Dr. Fauci said this on January 12, 2022. "Omicron, with its extraordinary, unprecedented degree of efficiency of transmissibility, will ultimately find just about everybody ...Those who have been vaccinated ... and boosted would get exposed. Some, maybe a lot of them, will get infected but will very likely, with some exceptions, do reasonably well in the sense of not having hospitalization and death." In case Dr. Fauci has not noticed, the vast majority of us have done reasonably well for the past two years. Dr. Fauci would have been censored for saying this one or two years ago. The CDC posted this on January 7, 2022. "Among 1,228,664 persons who completed primary vaccination during December 2020–October 2021, severe COVID-19–associated outcomes (0.015%) or death (0.0033%) were rare. Risk factors for severe outcomes included age ≥65 years, immunosuppressed, and six other underlying conditions. All persons with severe outcomes had at least one risk factor; 78% of persons who died had at least four." They would have been de-platformed during the last two years for Tweeting this information. Today I will discuss some of the reasons the authorities are reversing their stance on the pandemic.

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The Season Of Hope

The holidays always bring more love, laughter, cheer, and peace for me, my family and friends. It has become increasingly more difficult because of all the fear mongering going on. I gave a message of hope last year by posting that things were not nearly as bad as everyone was led to believe. Once again, I bring tidings of comfort and joy that we are not dying in much greater numbers than usual. I will also share insights that Omicron is generally mild and has a much lower hospitalization and death rate than previous Covid variants. I will also discuss the main reason why the death rate is climbing, and what we can do to avoid an early exit. Lastly, enjoy the holidays and have a happy new year.

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Vitamin D Versus Covid-19 Vaccine

If you are seeing this on Facebook, I bet there is a link below warning you of misinformation. This would be a shame, as I am presenting data from The New England Journal of Medicine about the three Vaccines and their effectiveness according to Pfizer, J&J, and Moderna. I am also presenting the current breakthrough cases in Israel, according to the Israeli government. I believe you will see a large discrepancy between the actual data and what governments are telling you to believe. I think this post stands a very good chance of being taken down. I hope I am wrong.

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A New Warning For Cigarette Smokers

I spend so much time talking about the dangers of processed carbohydrate consumption, I have neglected to talk much about the elephant in the room, cigarette smoking. I think I just assumed that people understand the perils of smoking. Perhaps I was mistaken. Keep in mind that cigarette smoking is different from vaping. But if you are a smoker, are you aware of how bad it is for your body? Your Mouth? Read on if you are curious.

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Whether or Not to Get the Covid-19 Vaccine: A Controversy Founded in Misunderstanding

We are in the midst of heated times. The implication that unvaccinated people are dangerous is misguided, and I need to speak up. I present facts and ideas that you may not be aware of. I have nothing against vaccines personally and went out of my way to get certified by my state to provide them for anyone wanting one. I deem the matter a personal choice, and the law and medical ethics support this. I believe the risk from receiving the Covid-19 vaccination is probably minimal. The vast majority of us should take it without fear of harm. Like everything in life, individuals must weigh the pros and cons. The views expressed in this post are my opinions only. You should address concerns about the Covid-19 vaccination only with qualified medical professionals.

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Are Face Masks Causing Harm To Men's Virility and Ruining the Environment?

It has been reported that surgical face masks contain harmful chemicals to men and their reproductive systems. It has also been reported that they are polluting the environment. It is undeniable that male sperm counts and testosterone levels have been significantly declining over the last several decades. Also, mask litter is everywhere now. How bad is it?

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Progress Requires Curiosity, Skepticism, and Cooperation: How we will beat covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused widespread disagreement in the scientific as well as the lay community. This is normal. As time goes on, we will have a much clearer picture of the pandemic and how to deal with it. However, when new ideas are dismissed, censored, or mocked without foundation, scientific progress can cease, and bad things can happen. Sadly, I have witnessed this first-hand. Let me share my story…

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Coronavirus Pandemic Statistics: Have We Lost the Forest For the Trees?

When looking at anything, as the saying goes, one can lose the forest for the trees. When we focus on fine details, they can be ugly, off-putting, and frightening. No matter how beautiful the person, the skin is scary up-close, no exceptions. Imagine a world where we could only see the microscopic view of everybody’s skin at first, only to draw out later to see how attractive they are. The first impression would be universal disgust. So it is with the Covid-19 death data. My post today will look at the bigger picture to help us get a (hopefully better) perspective on the recent focus on death.

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Populations Most At Risk of Dying From Covid-19 and How to Lower the Risk

I was curious to see what population segments are most at risk of death from a Covid-19 infection. It turns out that age is a huge risk factor for coronavirus deaths. Also, underlying medical conditions are also a big factor in whether you live or die from the virus. Today’s post is all about who is most at risk, and how you can lower your risk and survive Covid-19.

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All-Cause Versus Covid-19 Mortality: Why I Also Care About Other Diseases Too

The recent Covid-19 has captivated the general public’s attention to disease and death. Sadly, numerous conditions are killing us. Keep in mind that all illness and death are horrible. I am in no way diminishing the suffering due to the coronavirus. I also don’t mean to cause any further panic, but the latest statistics from the CDC’s website proves that we have more to deal with than just the Coronavirus pandemic.

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Covid-19: How to Avoid Being a Susceptible Host

The Covid-19 virus is more deadly for people who have underlying conditions. The risk goes up with each additional risk factor. Those at risk of complications and death are known as susceptible hosts. I discuss some of them in this post along with how to address some of the underlying conditions and make the move towards being a resistant individual.

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