Happy New Year

This year, I resolve to do more for us all to be free to work, free to travel, free to learn, free to question, free to speak, free to go to places of worship, and free to say no. I don't like mass firings, segregating the unvaccinated, calling people killers and spreaders, and being unpatriotic for making personal choices the way we have always done. 

Forget Party Politics

I know I share my desires with millions of Americans and other people around the globe. They go beyond political party ideology, race, class, and whether we are vaccinated or Unvaccinated. It is time to unite and restore our country and sanity. None of the attempts to stop the spread have worked. Of all of the people I personally know with Covid right now, all have been fully vaccinated, none are unvaccinated. IThere is more disease today than ever, but our civil liberties have been stolen in all of the absurd efforts. 1,2 Enough is enough.

Time For Action

As bad as it has been here in the US, it is much worse in other countries around the World. People worldwide are rising up to protect freedoms that originated here in America. It is high time we joined them. We are brothers and sisters of every color, creed, and political stripe. We are against forcing vaccinations on Americans. 

Let’s Join Together

At 11:30 on January 23, 2022, we will march from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial. At the Lincoln Memorial, a wide range of featured guests will be waiting. Recording artists, prominent doctors, journalists, pro athletes, actors, and premier thought leaders will give a series of inspiring "TED talks" and musical performances. The goal is to unite and take back our rights.

Do Your Homework

Please read the new book by Robert F. Kennedy jr. called The Real Anthony Fauci. (Ironically, the name Fauci means "jaws" in Italian!) It is one of the most important books written in this century. In it, he debunks the efficacy of the COVID-19 strategy promoted by governments with the backing of Anthony Fauci, highlights the problem of regulatory capture and expands the definition of Deep State to include big corporations, draws a line under why a Deep State is an existential threat to the Republic, and, lastly defines a rallying point for people who agree on a problem while disagreeing on a solution. You can order it here.

Unite, Not Fight

I spend many hours each week looking at pandemic data and statistics, which has given me a rational view of our current situation. About 30% of the population currently stands with me, and a further 40% are on the fence. But, unfortunately, many Americans and global citizens can't use reason right now. Mass Formation has seized their minds. I have written about it before here. Mattias Desmet believes that about 30% of us are beyond reasoning with. Voltaire once said, " Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." Under the spell of Mass Formation, they hold onto beliefs that stem from illogical fear, and logic makes things worse for them. They do not take kindly to suggestions that their beliefs and actions have no benefit. Instead, they seek reassurances and shun dissenting ideas. So, let’s find the other 40% who can still reason. 


Giant multinational corporations have hijacked modern medicine. The same companies own the press, news media, entertainment, education, and, sadly, most politicians. They control the narrative. They cancel those who speak out; they blame the ineffectiveness of the inoculation on those who have not taken it, even though the most highly vaccinated states have the most cases, and the majority of current cases are in the fully vaccinated. We cannot count on a free press to curb corrupt politicians and corporations. Sadly, they are sure they are the good guys. But, we can take back our country and restore sanity. Let's make 2022 a better year by uniting to restore rational thought, getting medicine back in the hands of doctors, tuning out the mainstream news, and voting out politicians who don't understand that we are born with the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Let’s remind our politicians that they can neither grant nor take these rights away. Finally, as Ezra Pound once said, “A slave is someone who waits for someone to come and free him,” but in our case, we need to free ourselves. History tells us if we fail to stop it now, it can get really bad.