Some Quotes About Health I Love

I love concise quotes that convey deep wisdom. This post contains seven gems that could help change your mindset. Here they are in no particular order.

(In 1942, she authored one of the first textbooks on nutrition and went on to publish four popular books for consumers. Her works extolled the benefits of natural foods and criticized the typical American diet.)

Take every opportunity to maximize your health. Choose to go to bed on time instead of surfing the net. At meal times, choose healthy foods over garbage. Use your free time to move a little. Get outside at lunch instead of looking at social media.

(He is a well-known new-age alternative health practitioner with numerous bestsellers)

(He was a novelist.)

Our genes are designed to fix most damage if we allow them. These two quotes are about genetic mismatches. Healing naturally involves living according to our evolutionary needs. If we don't get sun, don't eat real food, don't sleep enough, and isolate, we will increase our odds of disease.

(She is one of Hollywood's most sought-after Healthy Living Coaches with 30 years of teaching experience, founder and President of The Hollywood Trainer LLC.)

I cannot add much more to this statement except that we should all understand what real food is. Too many foods disguise themselves as healthy. Paleo cookies are a good example. They may still contain copious amounts of unhealthy processed carbs.

(Kenneth H. Cooper is a pioneer in promoting the advantages of aerobic exercise for maintaining and enhancing health. He introduced the term in 1966 and published his book, Aerobics in 1968, which introduced a point-based system for enhancing cardiovascular health.)

I have previously posted about our tendency to lose muscle as we age. The condition is called sarcopenia. We can counteract it through exercise. The truth is exercise is more important as we age.

(She was an American poet and children's book author and illustrator.)

Pills are not the answer to health. A healthy lifestyle can replace pills. Even when it can't, it is still important to live healthy.

( She is an author)

How often have I seen someone grossly out of shape dressed to the nines and thought, "why don't they put as much effort into being in shape?"

Bonus Humorous Quote

(He was a famous comedian)

This is a joke, but apt. Jogging can be taken to extreme levels, causing injury, and may not always be the best way to get healthy.

I hope you enjoyed today’s quotes. Have a happy and safe Independence Day.