Posts tagged Geert Vanden Bossche
Do You Know What to Do If You Get Covid (Especially the Omicron Version)?

The reason I am writing this post today is that my 92-year-old father, who is vaccinated, recently had a fever and thought he might have Covid-19. I informed him that OTC tests are available, so I ran out and purchased one, and, thank God, he is negative. In the time we were waiting for the results (ten minutes), both he and my mother were wondering what they should do if he did have Covid.

They watch TV and the news constantly, so why do they not know anything about how important early intervention is? When I asked, they told me that none of the newspapers or news shows talk much about it. This was a shock to me, but admittedly, I don't do either of those regularly. Rather, I seek out any information I may need to help me in my daily life. So I thought I would talk a bit about what the news is apparently not covering.

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Vitamin D Versus Covid-19 Vaccine

If you are seeing this on Facebook, I bet there is a link below warning you of misinformation. This would be a shame, as I am presenting data from The New England Journal of Medicine about the three Vaccines and their effectiveness according to Pfizer, J&J, and Moderna. I am also presenting the current breakthrough cases in Israel, according to the Israeli government. I believe you will see a large discrepancy between the actual data and what governments are telling you to believe. I think this post stands a very good chance of being taken down. I hope I am wrong.

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