Posts tagged Cargill
Are Belching Cows Contributing To Global Warming? Are Feedlots The Way To Solve The Problem?

we all absorb news hoping that we will have a better understanding of the subject when we finish reading or hearing the facts. Journalism has taken on an air of entertainment as well. Many of us enjoy reading and listening to the news. I have no problem with that. The payoff after hearing news is that we feel entertained (sometimes) and smarter. Little do we suspect that the "payoff" in many instances depends on us not understanding the entire complex subject. I don’t go so far as to use the term fake news often. It’s usually just faulty. What might also be faulty is our belief that The author is an expert who did all of the required research into the matter, and we are now experts in the subject he spoke about in his article as a result of his exhaustive digging.

Today I am going to highlight some commonly used knowledge gaps in a recent New York Times article entitled, "Manure, Belching Cows, And All Those Feedlots."

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