Transforming Health Beyond Teeth: The Joy of Ancestral Medicine

Today, a patient came in for a cleaning and examination after several years of not seeing him. He was a new patient in my practice in 2021, and I made sure to tell him that I treat patients, not just their teeth. After conducting his initial examination back in 2021, I was happy to report that I could see no cavities or gum problems. However, I suspected that he may have apnea because I always evaluate the craniofacial-respiratory complex. Therefore, I referred him to a sleep specialist who ordered a home sleep test. The results came back, and it turned out that the patient had apnea.

One of the key messages I always emphasize is the profound correlation between diet and disease. I don't just treat teeth; I empower my patients to take control of their health. I strongly recommend adopting a whole-food diet that excludes processed carbs and seed oils while including animal-based food with its fat, similar to how we ate for hundreds of thousands of years prior to adopting modern diets. This type of diet can significantly contribute to preventing tooth decay and gum disease, as well as help patients maintain a healthy weight, regulate blood sugar and blood pressure, and improve overall health. In addition to diet, I stress the importance of other lifestyle factors such as getting ample non-burning sun exposure, consistently getting enough sleep, and engaging in regular exercise. These lifestyle choices can have a profound impact on your dental health and overall well-being. By making these choices, you are taking a proactive step towards a healthier you. 

Luckily, a considerable number of my patients are health-conscious and recognize the advantages of the diet and lifestyle I just described. Most of them are already optimizing their diet, sleep, and other aspects of their health and don't require much guidance. However, many of them are very open to my suggestions when they haven't heard the information before. 

When most patients come to me, they often assume that I am just like any other dentist; I call these people free-range patients as opposed to my patients who seek me out specifically for my unique approach. They initially didn't realize that my practice is unique. I specialize in treating the root cause of gum disease, tooth decay, and facial development issues, taking a holistic approach that considers the entire body. This approach, which is often new and intriguing to them, sets my practice apart. Despite my recommendations, my free-range patients often continue with their unhealthy lifestyles. I'm used to it. After all, people should be free to live their lives as they see fit.

However, the patient I introduced at the beginning of this post, who was a free-range patient, took my advice to heart. He reported that he lost thirty pounds by eating a whole-food diet while minimizing processed carbs, and he includes animal-based foods. Additionally, he exercises regularly. He has yet to retest to see if his apnea is gone, but he is optimizing his diet and exercise, which are two big keys to health. I was overjoyed! Luckily, these patients are common in my practice. All the effort I put into educating my patients and writing these posts sometimes pays dividends to the people who listen. It makes it all worth my effort. After all, when we eat for healthy teeth, we are also eating for a healthy body.