Posts tagged periodontal ligament
Toothaches and Biomechanics

I spend lots of time trying to relieve patients from painful teeth. Of course, there are numerous causes of tooth pain, but today, I want to focus on a prevalent and typically easy-to-treat one that has to do with the forces we place on our teeth called hyperocclusion. Hyperocclusion is when we generate forces that exceed the ability of our teeth and supporting structures. As I always say, teeth should glide together, not collide together. This post will discuss how it happens and what your dentist can do about it.

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Gum Chewing Can Cause Multiple Dental Problems

Sugarless gum chewing is touted as being supported by four out of five dentists. Sadly, there are many risks to habitual gum chewing that most people are unaware of. Today I will talk about the range of problems gum chewing can lead to. Some of them can be quite severe.

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