Dr. Weston A. Price's research on the human diet has stood the test of time, offering insight into the role that traditional diets play in overall health. Price correctly identified the detrimental effects of "displacing foods of modern commerce," such as refined sugar, white flour, and processed oils, on dental health and physical development. He also highlighted the importance of fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D, and what he termed "Activator X" (now known as vitamin K2), found abundantly in animal-based foods. However, modern research adds another layer to Price's conclusions: the importance of chewing harder, unprocessed foods to develop a healthy jaw and straight teeth. This blog explores how these two factors—diet and chewing—work together to ensure optimal health.
Read MoreWhen I started out as a dentist, I believed that if people would simply avoid sugar, brush twice daily, floss once a day, come in every six months for their cleaning and check-up, and use fluoride, they would be fine. I was wrong. I had good company; many dentists believe that the problems our patients suffer are their fault. There is much more to understand, and it has been omitted from dental education curriculums, leaving dentists and their patients bewildered. This post will explain why this is so, why it happened, and what we can do to solve the problem.
Read MoreNo one human trait can stand alone as a benchmark of health and esthetics, but many fields of science have concluded that quickly identifying healthy perspective mates has an evolutionary basis. Indeed, most of us can assess attractiveness only after a few seconds. Age, symmetry, strength, and skin tone imply good genes and a lack of disease. Both sexes prefer physically attractive mates and have preferences for the level of attractiveness sought in a potential partner. Teeth Loom large in our sexual appraisals of each other. In a recent study by the Invisalign company, 94% of respondents noticed the other person's smile upon meeting them for the first time. In addition, 84% thought that an attractive smile is important for considering marriage. Additionally, one-third would not consider matching their friends with someone with crooked teeth. This post will discuss what constitutes a sexually attractive smile, the different preferences between males and females, how to have a naturally sexy smile, and what to do if you don’t think yours is good enough.
Read MoreI spend lots of time trying to relieve patients from painful teeth. Of course, there are numerous causes of tooth pain, but today, I want to focus on a prevalent and typically easy-to-treat one that has to do with the forces we place on our teeth called hyperocclusion. Hyperocclusion is when we generate forces that exceed the ability of our teeth and supporting structures. As I always say, teeth should glide together, not collide together. This post will discuss how it happens and what your dentist can do about it.
Read MoreI have written numerous posts on the plight of our small jaws over the years. So I thought it might be a good idea to share the story of mine, and what I have done about it. Maternal smoking, lack of breastfeeding, soft food, swollen tonsils, sinus problems, a deviated septum, and attractive orthodontics all played a role. The good news I was able to correct every problem. I will tell you how at the end of this post.
Read MoreBefore the advent of farming, our jaws were larger; our faces were broader, our teeth were straight, we had adequate room for our wisdom teeth, larger brains, and more space in our throats to breathe. It is a virtual certainty that our changing diets contributed to crooked teeth and a lack of adequate space for wisdom teeth and constricted airways. SMALL JAWS CAUSE BIG PROBLEMS. Heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, ADHD, depression, and anxiety are a few. In this post, I am going to cover how our lifestyles have changed leading to our current problems, and what we can do about it.
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