Posts tagged swallowing disorder
What is a Frenum, and Why It Can Sometimes Cause Big Problems

You may have heard of people with tongue ties before. Many of them are never diagnosed, and patients can suffer from many problems related to the tie. Short and tight frena cause tongue ties. We have several frena in the mouth that can cause other problems. This post will cover what frena are, the problems they can cause, and what to do about them.

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Saving Face: How You Can Optimize Facial Development for Your Children (and Avoid the Need for Orthodontics and Other Medical Problems)

Before the advent of farming, our jaws were larger; our faces were broader, our teeth were straight, we had adequate room for our wisdom teeth, larger brains, and more space in our throats to breathe. It is a virtual certainty that our changing diets contributed to crooked teeth and a lack of adequate space for wisdom teeth and constricted airways. SMALL JAWS CAUSE BIG PROBLEMS. Heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, ADHD, depression, and anxiety are a few. In this post, I am going to cover how our lifestyles have changed leading to our current problems, and what we can do about it.

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The Institutional Oral Hygiene Crisis: Guest Blog By Marta Kazandjian Ranaldo Medical Speech Pathologist, Board Certified in Swallowing Disorders, and Integrative Health Coach

There are millions of patients in institutions who are incapable of attending to their own oral hygiene needs for one reason or another. The population includes the elderly, traumatic brain injury patients, Alzheimer's patients, stroke victims, those with limited mobility, and those with several other chronic and acute illnesses too numerous to name. The staff provides little to no oral care. There is a much greater chance of finding a hair salon in these facilities than a dental operatory. Considering that brushing twice daily and flossing once is the standard recommendation, this is a tragedy. Speech pathologist and Swallowing specialist Marta Marta Kazandjian Ranaldo has graciously taken time out of her busy schedule as a nationally recognized swallowing specialist to enlighten us more on the subject.

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