When I started out as a dentist, I believed that if people would simply avoid sugar, brush twice daily, floss once a day, come in every six months for their cleaning and check-up, and use fluoride, they would be fine. I was wrong. I had good company; many dentists believe that the problems our patients suffer are their fault. There is much more to understand, and it has been omitted from dental education curriculums, leaving dentists and their patients bewildered. This post will explain why this is so, why it happened, and what we can do to solve the problem.
Read MoreBrushing twice and flossing once daily is a smart idea if your diet contains processed carbohydrates. Toothpaste always comes along for the ride on our brushes. Did you ever stop and wonder how necessary it is? I have. I say no. I will explain my rationale in this post.
Read MoreI have written articles about systemic fluoride before, but today I want to focus on one manifestation of excess fluoride called fluorosis. Fluorosis means fluoride toxicity and its manifestations. The symptoms range from mild to severe and typically show up in teeth and bones but include other aspects of the body. Today, dental fluorosis has been trivialized, yet 8 to 51% of children in fluoridated communities suffer from dental fluorosis, and 3 to 26% of children in non-fluoridated communities suffer from dental fluorosis due to its presence in much of our food supply. In 2010, the Centers for Disease Control reported 41 % of American adolescents now have dental fluorosis. In this post, I will show you how to identify it, and talk about what you can do to prevent and cope with it.
Read MoreI had the pleasure of speaking with the creator and owner of Primal Life Organics Trina Felber this week live on FaceBook. We spoke about a number of topics near and dear to my heart such as how the introduction of “dense acellular carbohydrates” into our diets has been disastrous not only for our teeth, but for the rest of our bodies as well. We also spoke about the dangers of fluoridated water to our health. I also stressed how important it is to have a dentist trained in how to safely remove mercury containing fillings using the non-toxic SMART technique. I hope it is helpful and enjoyable!
Read MoreFluoride is not Paleo. There are better and safer ways to prevent tooth decay than to ingest a chemical that the human body has absolutely no biological need for.
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