Brushing twice and flossing once daily is a smart idea if your diet contains processed carbohydrates. Toothpaste always comes along for the ride on our brushes. Did you ever stop and wonder how necessary it is? I have. I say no. I will explain my rationale in this post.
Read MoreMost of us assume that dental plaque is terrible; it causes cavities and gum disease, and encouraging its eradication is widely accepted. Scientists have determined that plaque bacteria can ferment processed carbohydrates and sugars into acids that cause decay. But, observations of populations who eat diets high in unprocessed carbohydrates, even when they don’t brush, have little to no decay. 1 Indeed, our dental plaque has been residing in human mouths since the beginning, and archaeology has proven that it only causes problems when processed carbs enter the diet. Plaque is necessary and healthy when we eat correctly. It produces many beneficial substances. Today, I will cover some nitrogen-containing chemicals plaque produces to help us survive and thrive.
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