You may have heard of oxalate because it is infamously implicated in kidney stone formation. Oxalate is damaging in higher concentrations, cannot be metabolized, and needs to be excreted. Given their direct role in oxalate excretion, the kidneys often sustain the most severe damage in states of oxalate excess, but other tissues can suffer as well. This post will cover oxalate, what foods contain it, the problems it can cause, and what to do about reducing oxalate if you are experiencing a problem.
Read MoreSarcopenia is a condition that starts in our forties characterized by loss of muscle, strength, and stamina. Unfortunately, 10% of the population over the age of 60 have it. It starts slowly, and the rate of muscle loss can reach 15% per year in later years. It typically progresses until 50% of muscle mass is gone by our eighth decade. Since muscles account for 60% of our total mass, this condition can result in serious weakness and other health issues. Although the effects may be noticeable early, they can lead to increased hospitalizations and nursing home care, and early death with older age groups. The good news is that it can be avoided with proper lifestyles. Read on for more information.
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