Posts tagged Protein
Rethinking Protein Intake: Unveiling New Insights from Recent Research

In the world of nutrition and fitness, protein's role has been the subject of much debate. Common beliefs suggest that post-exercise protein intake only offers a temporary boost in muscle growth, with any surplus amino acids being rapidly expelled by the body. Consequently, many muscle-building enthusiasts opt for multiple small, protein-rich meals throughout the day to optimize muscle development and minimize protein loss.

However, recent findings from a study published in Cell Reports Medicine challenge these established views on protein digestion, particularly post-meal. The research unveils groundbreaking insights with far-reaching implications for those focused on health and wellness. Let's delve into the study's key discoveries and their potential impact.

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Plant-based Vs Animal-based Diets: Modern Disease in Ancient Egyptians

Most people alive today would probably agree that organic, pesticide-free, whole wheat, grain-based diets, low in animal-based foods, richer in plant proteins from lentils and beans, and consisting mainly of vegetables are ideal diets. The ancient Egyptians ate this way. To repeat, it was organic, pesticide-free, and whole-grain. Ask the folks who made the food pyramid (My Plate) and the Eat Lancet Diet, and they will love it. Does it sound amazing to you? Well, not to me. My Plate has adult men eating around ten slices of bread per day, or the equivalent of 47 teaspoons of table sugar! I wrote about how the Eat Lancet Diet causes malnutrition on January 1, which is a similar diet to My Plate. If you are interested in their recommendations—the Lancet's diet causes protein deficiency, among other things. Let’s see how the ancient Egyptians who ate the same way fared.

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You Can’t Medicate Your Way Out of a Poor Diet

The Lancet is considered one of the premier medical journals in the world. However, you may have yet to hear of the Eat Lancet Diet if you live outside of the UK. Their dietary recommendations should be spot on. However, adherents to the diet were examined and found to have deficiencies in several nutrients, including protein, selenium, zinc, iron, and folate. The subjects also reported a poorer mood. 1 Therefore, the people eating the Eat Lancet Diet may experience some diseases or symptoms caused by nutrient deficiencies. The problem is that they will more than likely think their problems come from disease rather than their diet. After all, why would The Lancet be recommending a diet that causes numerous nutrient deficiencies? Shouldn’t they know better? This post will cover why diet is overlooked by many healthcare practitioners, leading to misdiagnosis, erroneous medication prescriptions, and unnecessary medical treatments.

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Private Tim Hall Is Trying To Help All Of Us: Let’s Find Out Why

We should all understand that Protein is essential for good health, and numerous studies tell us that the quality AND quantity both matter. I am going to highlight two new studies that looked at animal versus plant protein consumption and their effects on our health. I will cover some quick and easy tips on how to maximize your protein intake for better health. Lastly, I will introduce Private Tim Hall.

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Sarcopenia: A Common Yet Avoidable Health Problem

Sarcopenia is a condition that starts in our forties characterized by loss of muscle, strength, and stamina. Unfortunately, 10% of the population over the age of 60 have it. It starts slowly, and the rate of muscle loss can reach 15% per year in later years. It typically progresses until 50% of muscle mass is gone by our eighth decade. Since muscles account for 60% of our total mass, this condition can result in serious weakness and other health issues. Although the effects may be noticeable early, they can lead to increased hospitalizations and nursing home care, and early death with older age groups. The good news is that it can be avoided with proper lifestyles. Read on for more information.

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Dietary Evolution

Today I want to clarify a few misconceptions about how science classifies and describes the diets of animals, where we fit into the diet picture, and our evolutionary journey here. Interestingly, most omnivores specialize by being either closer to being almost entirely herbivorous or carnivorous. You may be surprised to see where we fall in the spectrum.

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Protein, Energy, and My Curious Case of Starvation (Or What Human Evolution and History Taught Me)

We can produce glucose from the protein we ingest in the absence of fat and carbs in the diet. Making glucose from protein is a process known as gluconeogenesis. The problem is that our ability to synthesize glucose from protein is very limited and will not sustain us longterm. Luckily, we have such an abundance of food today, most people will never have to rely on gluconeogenesis, except for me. Today, I would like to share my story and put the knowledge I gained from my experience into the larger framework of human evolution and biology.

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