Posts tagged Iron Absorption
Our Body Iron Levels: Potentially Very Dangerous and Seldom Measured Correctly

Iron is most often associated with anemia when it is low, but it is one of the most critical elements necessary for all life on the plane. Fully one-third of the world's population suffers from iron deficiency. The rate jumps to 2/3 in developing areas. Iron overload (too much iron in the body), which is also called hemochromatosis, is also quite common and is associated with a long list of pathologies and diseases, including early death. The problem with detecting undesirable iron levels lies in the fact that most doctors don't order the correct tests. The tests that they do order have lab value ranges that allow problematic levels to go undetected. The post will address the correct tests your doctor should order to correctly identify problems with your iron levels.

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The Very Important But Misunderstood Role of Vitamin C In Our Health

The modern history of the discovery of vitamin C is an interesting one, and, as you will see, we are still uncovering new information about its role in our health. More interesting is the evolutionary history of vitamin C metabolism in humans, which is somewhat unique among the animal kingdom, and has led to confusion over the amount we need in our diet. This post will set the record straight.

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