Posts tagged Oxidation
How And Why We Tan

As summer progresses, I find myself spending more time outdoors and have naturally acquired a slightly darker complexion than during the colder months. While at the beach with family, we discussed our varying abilities to tan. Some of us had yet to achieve a noticeable tan, while others were well on their way. We all agreed that with more time in the sunshine, we would soon have a deeper tan. It made me curious about the science behind tanning and why our skin changes color in the first place.

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Our Body Iron Levels: Potentially Very Dangerous and Seldom Measured Correctly

Iron is most often associated with anemia when it is low, but it is one of the most critical elements necessary for all life on the plane. Fully one-third of the world's population suffers from iron deficiency. The rate jumps to 2/3 in developing areas. Iron overload (too much iron in the body), which is also called hemochromatosis, is also quite common and is associated with a long list of pathologies and diseases, including early death. The problem with detecting undesirable iron levels lies in the fact that most doctors don't order the correct tests. The tests that they do order have lab value ranges that allow problematic levels to go undetected. The post will address the correct tests your doctor should order to correctly identify problems with your iron levels.

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GGT: The Most Important Predictor of Disease and Mortality

am sure most of you have never heard of GGT. It is not your fault; it is not considered to be as important as a marker for disease as others, such as cholesterol by most medical practitioners. As you will find out today, it may be the single most important predictor of disease and mortality medicine has today.

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