Posts tagged Antioxidant
Earthing: The Simplest Health Booster Available

All animals, including humans, evolved to contact the Earth. We mostly walked barefoot or with footwear made of animal skins and slept on the ground or skins. Humans routinely do not touch the Earth anymore due to shoes with synthetic soles, modern homes, and beds. Insulating ourselves from contact with the Earth has had negative health consequences that few are aware of, including health care providers. Have you ever noticed that you feel better after a barefoot day at the pool or beach? It isn't just the sun and fresh air that is responsible. The contact with the Earth is too. This post will cover the numerous health benefits of routinely contacting the Earth's surface, a practice called Earthing or grounding.

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The Optics of the Body: How Sunlight Massively Boosts Total Body Antioxidants

We hunted and gathered food found exclusively in the outdoor environment. As such, we evolved to be outdoors in the Sun for much of the day. Therefore, the advice given by dermatologists to avoid the Sun runs contrary to the evolutionary evidence. New information about the human body's optical qualities is reshaping our stance against sunshine. Near-infrared (NIR) light penetrates deeply into our body, unlike UV and visible light. Evolutionarily, the human body has developed optical mechanisms to gather and localize NIR photons in the most sensitive areas of the human body: blood vessels, retina, brain, skin, and even the womb. Research has demonstrated that NIR stimulates the production of antioxidants deep within our cells at the sub-cellular level. We use the reservoir of antioxidants to enhance the body's ability to contend with changing conditions throughout the day. I will cover some amazing things light does for our health and how you can maximize your light exposure.

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Should You Be Taking CoQ10?

Coenzyme Q10 has two main functions. Most importantly, it helps us make ATP, our energy source for life. Since it is critical for energy production, it is most abundant in heart muscle, pancreas tissue, the brain, and the liver. The other function is to increase some of our essential antioxidants and act as one. Many factors can contribute to CoQ10 deficiency. These are aging, disease, dietary deficiency, statin drugs, and increasing tissue demands. Although our bodies make it, it is easy to get from foods, it is one of the more popular supplements available today because evidence shows it is beneficial for our health. This post will cover what it is, what it does for us, and how you can maintain adequate levels.

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The Very Important But Misunderstood Role of Vitamin C In Our Health

The modern history of the discovery of vitamin C is an interesting one, and, as you will see, we are still uncovering new information about its role in our health. More interesting is the evolutionary history of vitamin C metabolism in humans, which is somewhat unique among the animal kingdom, and has led to confusion over the amount we need in our diet. This post will set the record straight.

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