Lasers have been used in medicine and dentistry for a few decades with surprisingly good application in some areas and poor in others. The advantages of using lasers over scalpels include greater precision, a relatively bloodless surgical and post-surgical course, sterilization of the surgical area, minimal swelling and scarring, coagulation, vaporization, cutting, minimal or no suturing, and less or no post-surgical pain. Today I will discuss the advantages of using lasers in dentistry, along with some of the dieadvantages.
Read MoreI had the pleasure of speaking with the creator and owner of Primal Life Organics Trina Felber this week live on FaceBook. We spoke about a number of topics near and dear to my heart such as how the introduction of “dense acellular carbohydrates” into our diets has been disastrous not only for our teeth, but for the rest of our bodies as well. We also spoke about the dangers of fluoridated water to our health. I also stressed how important it is to have a dentist trained in how to safely remove mercury containing fillings using the non-toxic SMART technique. I hope it is helpful and enjoyable!
Read MoreI spoke about how processed carbs ruin our teeth and health, and I get into the specific mechanisms of tooth decay and gum disease. I hope you enjoy the video and more importantly I hope it can help you better understand how processed carbs work in insidious ways to harm our health.
Read MoreThousands of studies have shown that xylitol can help prevent tooth decay and many dental professionals recommend it. While it can definitely help, there are some negatives. Today, I will discuss the pros and cons so you can decide if it is right for you.
Read MoreThree unusual problems I commonly see together are a scalloped tongue, A white line on the inner cheek and ear pain. Today I will address how they may be related to one larger problem.
Read MoreCracked teeth are so common as to be practically ubiquitous. A tooth crack is not a disease but is instead a risk factor for further problems. Fractures tend to grow and change over time; therefore it is very important for dentists to screen for cracks and catch them early. The prognosis of cracked tooth that is not treated will progressively deteriorate and may evolve into a split tooth or result in severe periodontal defects. Eventually the tooth may be lost. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment are essential in saving these teeth. This post discusses the ways to approach diagnosing and treating a cracked tooth.
Read MoreRed light therapy is becoming more and more popular lately. The benefits are so numerous as to seem too good to be true. In today’s post I will discuss the science behind the claims.
Read MoreA recent study shows a strong connection between gum disease and Alzheimer’s Disease. The germ that causes gum disease has been found in the brains of Alzheimer Disease sufferers. Substances known as gingipains are secreted by the bacteria are responsible for much of the damage. The good news is that gum disease is easily treatable. The same study shows that there may be a new drug on the horizon to inactivate gingipains.
Read MoreToday I want to talk about the connection between gum disease and heart disease. I am going to talk about one specific recent study, and I am going to get more scientific than usual, so forgive me, but the information is too good to ignore.
Read MoreOil pulling is an ancient ayurvedic therapy for maintaining oral hygiene. It involves swishing approximately 1 tablespoon of oil typically edible oils including coconut, sesame, or sunflower oil in your mouth for about 20 minutes and then spitting it out The popularity of oil pulling has seen a recent surge in popularity. The practice has been verified as a legitimate therapy and also as a wive’s tale. Which one is true? This post will cut to the truth of the matter.
Read MoreI often find myself striving to be a better person physically, spiritually, and intellectually. This can take quite an effort sometimes. The only way I find I can keep up with myself is to get plenty of rest. This post is dedicated to my good friend Al Danenberg who despite a terminal diagnosis, is still growing himself, and teaching me how to grow a better me.
Read MoreSadly, many people avoid going to the dentist, but when teeth start hurting, their motivation goes up. Unfortunately, waiting until you have a toothache is like trying to fix the roof while it is raining. Today I am going to talk about tooth pain in all of its varieties and what you should do about it.
Read MoreMy personal observation over the last thirty years of practice is that when sugar is repeatedly introduced into the mouth, even in small amounts, the rampant decay can result. We all eat sweets sometimes. Here is my advice when you do.
Read MoreVitamin A is critical for healthy teeth and jaws. There are a few misconceptions about it. One issue is that β-carotene is equivalent to vitamin A. This is not the case and could lead to low vitamin A status.
Read MoreIn Part two, I discuss the top ten things you should be doing to ensure your child has a perfect mouth.
Read MoreIn today's post I am going to talk about neonatal oral care, the assessment of your newborn’s mouth, tongue and face for neonatal problems, and when to take your baby to the dentist for the first time. The recommendations are not universal. I will explain why in this post.
Read MoreAfter about four more months of and measuring my food, counting calories, and tracking macronutrients,my thoughts have changed somewhat. I thought I would share them withg you in todays post.
Read MoreThere is a well known association between cardiovasular disease and gum disease. A simple test for CRP can help to diagnose both of them. Today, I will discuss the connection between the two diseases, and how a CRP test may be a useful tool in treating and diagnosing them.
Read MoreToday, we don’t have to hunt or even farm our own food, we have climate control everywhere, we are highly entertained, we have medicine for everything, and we can gain goods and services at the click of a link. In constructing this "paradise”, we have lost the need for most common human interactions. In today’s post, I will explain whye are stronger when we come together, and how that can be achieved even in today's divided world.
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