New methods of extracting bacterial DNA from fossilized human teeth has revealed that we are not as healthy as we once were. This is due to ourchanging diets.
Read MoreIf you could only do one thing to prevent cavities and gum disiease, I would recommend…
Read MoreEveryone knows that radiation is bad for you. The most common source of exposureare dental x-rays. How dangerous are they? I will lay out the pros and cons of having check-up x-raysin this article.
Read MoreVitamin D is on everyone’s radar lately. It is associated with the sun which isassociated with bad things. What are we supposed to do about this conundrum?
Read MoreThe quest to look better and weigh less is a tightrope walk that often backfires. Here is some science that explains why we usually gain weight back and how you might be able to maintain weight loss. This post is not meant to recommend any specific diet approach.
Read MoreStudies show that routine dental care is associated with healthier mouths. It may surprise you to find out why…
Read MoreSalmon, Haggis and seafood with a side of kale and turnips… What could be healthier???
Read MoreFor many, gastric bypass surgery is the only realistic means of overcoming obesity and the myriad associated health issues. In my practice, more and more patients are opting for gastric bypass surgery, often with dramatic results. One 18 month follow-up study found a 57% recovery from, an 84 % cure from cholesterol problems, and a 47% cure from high blood pressure. Unfortunately, I often see uncontrolled tooth decay and tooth loss post-operatively. The reasons have not been widely investigated. There are a few logical explanations as to why this is our happening.
Read MoreSeasonal Affective Disorder SAD can be mild or debilitating. Here are the facts and some cures.
Read MoreBlaming your cavitis on soft teeth is a cop out. The fact is that tooth hardness varies, but it is not a concern if you are doing a few basic things.
Read MoreFluoride is not Paleo. There are better and safer ways to prevent tooth decay than to ingest a chemical that the human body has absolutely no biological need for.
Read MoreThe health benefits of chocolate are numerous. It is critical that you choose high quality dark chocolate low in sugar to avoid sabotaging your health.
Read MoreGum Disease Is Caused By Processed Fermentable Carbohydrates Which Disrupt The Gut Microbiome Leading To Production Of Endotoxins That Contribute To The Development Of Many Other Diseases
Read MoreHow dogs should go paleo. Dogs are carnivores. Raw Meat Diet for dogs. Brushing a dog’s teeth.
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