Posts in Paleo
The Hazards of Too Much Omega-6 Oils on our Health

Traditionally, humans have always eaten fats and oils that were predominantly saturated and animal-based. New industrial seed oils have replaced the traditional fats like butter, tallow, and lard. These oils contain large amounts of omega-6 oils which are problematic for our health. We utilize fats for a variety of uses including building blocks for cell membranes, and energy storage. This high omega-6 substitution has had a dramatic effect on our health which I will discuss in today’s post.

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My Interview With Primal Life Organics

I had the pleasure of speaking with the creator and owner of Primal Life Organics Trina Felber this week live on FaceBook. We spoke about a number of topics near and dear to my heart such as how the introduction of “dense acellular carbohydrates” into our diets has been disastrous not only for our teeth, but for the rest of our bodies as well. We also spoke about the dangers of fluoridated water to our health. I also stressed how important it is to have a dentist trained in how to safely remove mercury containing fillings using the non-toxic SMART technique. I hope it is helpful and enjoyable!

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My Presentation At The 2019 Ancestral Health Symposium

I spoke about how processed carbs ruin our teeth and health, and I get into the specific mechanisms of tooth decay and gum disease. I hope you enjoy the video and more importantly I hope it can help you better understand how processed carbs work in insidious ways to harm our health.

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Grow, Rest, Repeat

I often find myself striving to be a better person physically, spiritually, and intellectually. This can take quite an effort sometimes. The only way I find I can keep up with myself is to get plenty of rest. This post is dedicated to my good friend Al Danenberg who despite a terminal diagnosis, is still growing himself, and teaching me how to grow a better me.

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Proper Human Interaction (PHI): The Missing Ingredient For Health, Happiness And Longevity

Today, we don’t have to hunt or even farm our own food, we have climate control everywhere, we are highly entertained, we have medicine for everything, and we can gain goods and services at the click of a link. In constructing this "paradise”, we have lost the need for most common human interactions. In today’s post, I will explain whye are stronger when we come together, and how that can be achieved even in today's divided world.

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My Mission (Why I Want You On My Website, Not In My Chair)

During a recent health conference, I found myself explaining why I was not just a run of the mill dentist.  My real passion is cutting through all of the bad health advice, misconceptions, half-truths and downright lies out there and disseminating the plain truth to those willing to listen. As they say, if I catch you a fish, I have fed you a meal, if I teach you how to fish, I have fed you for a lifetime.

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How To Achieve a Better Physique: Diet, Calorie Counting, Food Density and More Part I

The quest to look better and weigh less is a tightrope walk that often backfires. Here is some science that explains why we usually gain weight back and how you might be able to maintain weight loss. This post is not meant to recommend any specific diet approach.

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