Gum Disease: An Overlooked Risk Factor For Death From Covid-19

The list of comorbidities on the CDC's Coronavirus pages is extensive. Still, distressingly, it does not include any references to oral infections. Adding periodontal disease would significantly increase the average number of comorbidities to 2.75. The reason for my distress is that their public health efforts will fall short. Here’s what you can do about it today.

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A NEAT Way to Achieve Better Health and Live Longer

Because we don't move very much anymore, the concept of exercise seems much more plausible today. The idea of sitting at a computer desk all day and then spending an hour on a treadmill to make up for all that lack of activity makes total sense. Only, science says it doesn't really. Exercise, in fact, does not counteract the adverse effects of prolonged sitting. In other words, sitting too much is really bad for you. Today I talk about what you can do to avoid the pitfalls of being too sedentary.

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GGT: The Most Important Predictor of Disease and Mortality

am sure most of you have never heard of GGT. It is not your fault; it is not considered to be as important as a marker for disease as others, such as cholesterol by most medical practitioners. As you will find out today, it may be the single most important predictor of disease and mortality medicine has today.

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Vitamin K2: The Most Important Vitamin You May Have Never Heard Of

Many vitamins have received time in the spotlight. Unfortunately, vitamin K2, which is also known as menaquinone, is not one of them. Vitamin K2 turns out to be crucial for optimal health and may be the missing nutrient responsible for many of today's chronic illnesses. Most of you have probably heard of vitamin K, and you might even know it is associated with blood clotting. So, what is vitamin K2? That’s what today’s post is all about…

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The Types of Teeth We Have and Their Functions

I had the idea for a post about the different kinds of teeth we have a few weeks ago and thought it might be too simple. But then I had a patient that was asking me about the different kinds of teeth and their functions in chewing, so I am going forward with the post. Maybe this is not a very exciting topic, but knowledge of the functions of the different kinds of teeth we have could help patients who are experiencing problems because they are not correctly using them.

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Move Over Cholesterol: Meet The Latest Villain mTOR

The discussions around mTOR have been on the rise lately. I believe this is due to the numerous documentaries on streaming services like “Game Changers” and “For the Health of It”. It has suffered some bad press, so I thought I should do a post on it.

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Improve Your Health and Save Lives During the Covid 19 Shutdown: Donate Blood

My last post on the covid 19 outbreak covered some self-improvement things we can do with our spare time due to business closures, working from home, and layoffs. Today I want to talk specifically about donating blood. Not only does it benefit others, but it is also amazingly healthy for the donors as well.

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Covid-19: How to Avoid Being a Susceptible Host

The Covid-19 virus is more deadly for people who have underlying conditions. The risk goes up with each additional risk factor. Those at risk of complications and death are known as susceptible hosts. I discuss some of them in this post along with how to address some of the underlying conditions and make the move towards being a resistant individual.

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Far Infrared Saunas: Detoxify your mercury and Other Toxins

Virtually everyone has measurable levels of several chemicals present, including lead, mercury, toluene, perchlorate, bisphenol A (BPA), and some phthalates, pesticides, perfluorochemicals (PFCs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenol ethers (PBDEs). The good news is that far infrared saunas are a great way to detoxify the body from harmful toxins. Today I am going to talk about mercury and other toxins and how saunas can help.

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Dentistry and Longevity: Having fewer Teeth Is Linked To Shorter Lives

After 31 years of practice, I have seen a correlation between my patients with higher numbers of missing teeth and their failing health. Research largely bears my observations out. Today I am going to discuss five papers that give a little more clarity to the subject of dental health as it relates to overall health and mortality.

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How Unhealthy Are Americans?

Prevalence of metabolic health in American adults is alarmingly low, even in normal weight individuals. The large number of people not achieving optimal levels of risk factors, even in low-risk groups, has serious implications for public health. In this post I discuss the poor state of our health, why it is so bad, and what to do about it.

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The Very Important But Misunderstood Role of Vitamin C In Our Health

The modern history of the discovery of vitamin C is an interesting one, and, as you will see, we are still uncovering new information about its role in our health. More interesting is the evolutionary history of vitamin C metabolism in humans, which is somewhat unique among the animal kingdom, and has led to confusion over the amount we need in our diet. This post will set the record straight.

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Visceral Fat and Why We Should Be Concerned With It

When just looking at BMI, some very obese patients show no clinically measurable markers of disease, whereas patients with healthy BMI demonstrate illnesses associated with obesity, leading many clinicians to shun using only BMI as a reliable predictor of disease. It turns out that it matters where the fat is, especially if it is around your organs. Fat around the organs is called visceral fat and it is associated with increased risk of disease. Today, I will cover what those risks are and what to do about it.

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How Dentists Assess the Need for Adult Orthodontics

Orthodontic treatment is a great option to get that perfect smile you always wanted. To many of us, the need for orthodontics is obvious when the teeth are crowded and misaligned. Sometimes, the teeth can appear straight, but other more subtle problems may be going on. There are many reasons why moving the teeth may be a good option. Today, I will discuss some of the things dentists look at to determine whether orthodontic tooth movement is an option, and the risk factors involved if treatment is delayed.

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Vitamin B3 and Its Central Role In Human History

Vitamin B3 is needed for 400 functions in the body, making it the most useful one. It has a special place in human history according to the authors of a journal article. Today I am going to talk about what it is, what foods contain it, what it does, and its place in shaping human history.

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Gum Chewing Can Cause Multiple Dental Problems

Sugarless gum chewing is touted as being supported by four out of five dentists. Sadly, there are many risks to habitual gum chewing that most people are unaware of. Today I will talk about the range of problems gum chewing can lead to. Some of them can be quite severe.

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The Carnivore Diet and It's Use As a Preventative Against Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

I have been researching the carnivore diet for the last seven months and have decided to give it a try. The more I learned about it, the more I liked the idea of it as an elimination diet. The one thing I can say with confidence is that it is a very healthy choice when it comes to avoiding tooth decay and gum disease.

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