Posts in Paleo
Can You Get A Pimple In Your Mouth?

In my daily practice, I often find infected teeth that the patient is entirely unaware of. Most often, I find asymptomatic infections on radiographs (x-rays). Sometimes, I can see what appears to be a pimple on the gums adjacent to the tooth, usually at the level of the root tip. The pimple is usually on the cheek side (buccal). However, they are occasionally found on the tongue side (known as the palatal on the upper and lingual on the lower). Technically a pimple around a tooth is known as a dentoalveolar fistula. I will talk about what they are, how they form, what to do if you have one, and how to prevent them.

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Lack of Sleep May be Hurting Your Teen: Here’s What to Do About It

Today, I would like to talk about a few other causes of poor sleep, especially in children and especially teens, as they normally have earlier school start times. According to numerous studies, people, including children and teens, who sleep less than five hours per night are more vulnerable to respiratory infections. But the bad news doesn't end there. Poor sleep can eventually lead to certain forms of cancer, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, depression and other mental disorders, and obesity. At the end of the post, I will cover some helpful tips to help us and our children to sleep better-especially our teenagers.

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Is It Us Or Our Food?

Why are so many Americans overweight or obese? Are we weak? Are we addicted to unhealthy foods? The answer is probably not. I took a look at how our food supply has changed over the years, and it may explain our ever-expanding waistlines. This post will cover the trends, investigate some of the science, and, finally, talk about what we can do to lose weight and become healthier.

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PaleoFx Presentation: The Shrinking Face Epidemic

This is the presentation I am giving today at PaleoFx in Austin Texas.

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Is Tooth Wear Good For Us?

Tooth wear is considered a bad thing in the modern era. It can be painful and unsightly. Furthermore, a 2019 analysis of 706 studies involving tooth wear associated it with sleep disorders, oro-facial pain, oral dryness, GERD, and sleep bruxism (tooth grinding). However, several lines of research conclude that tooth wear, even in childhood, may be an evolutionary survival strategy. Especially as it pertains to proper jaw growth. The story is a little complicated, so I want to give you a little background and then explain how tooth wear may have been beneficial during our evolution.

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Fluorosis: A Dangerous Condition You Or Someone You Know May Have

I have written articles about systemic fluoride before, but today I want to focus on one manifestation of excess fluoride called fluorosis. Fluorosis means fluoride toxicity and its manifestations. The symptoms range from mild to severe and typically show up in teeth and bones but include other aspects of the body. Today, dental fluorosis has been trivialized, yet 8 to 51% of children in fluoridated communities suffer from dental fluorosis, and 3 to 26% of children in non-fluoridated communities suffer from dental fluorosis due to its presence in much of our food supply. In 2010, the Centers for Disease Control reported 41 % of American adolescents now have dental fluorosis. In this post, I will show you how to identify it, and talk about what you can do to prevent and cope with it.

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Age is only a number

I was on a digital detox this week and therefore did not look at any research or explore new topics in health. I was incidentally celebrating my sixtieth birthday at the same time. During the week, I saw some old college friends, one of whom I had not seen since 1985. I was feeling a bit nostalgic, so I went on social media after my detox was over to look at pictures from the past. I found this one of me in a striped shirt from 1985 that my dad took by our pool. My wife always tells me that she thinks I look just as good as the younger me, so I got the crazy idea to try and strike the same pose and see how I really stack up to a younger man. We had a good laugh trying. She claims to like the silver fox with the fancy watch better! Unfortunately, many of the years in between the photos were spent with avoidable health problems. This post will cover what happened and how I was able to get healthy and strong again.

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The Incredible Human Part One

Human evolution has resulted in our total domination over most of the plants and animals of the world. There are many reasons for our success as a globally dominant species, and I will start covering them in future posts. But in part one, I will focus on our superior hunting skills and our adaptations for them, that rank among the best explanations for our success.

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What Are Processed Carbohydrates and Why We Should Avoid Them

One of my central warnings on this site is we must avoid eating processed carbohydrates to stave off disease and optimize our health. I have written about it so much that I believed everyone who reads my posts understands what they are. Recently, I have spoken to people who think processed carbs are donuts and cake, not bagels and sandwiches. This post is dedicated to them and all who need a reminder about what processed carbohydrates are, and why they should be avoided. If you don't want to read the whole thing, skip to the end, where I tell you how to identify them and list the most common sources of processed carbs.

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Saving Face: How You Can Optimize Facial Development for Your Children (and Avoid the Need for Orthodontics and Other Medical Problems)

Before the advent of farming, our jaws were larger; our faces were broader, our teeth were straight, we had adequate room for our wisdom teeth, larger brains, and more space in our throats to breathe. It is a virtual certainty that our changing diets contributed to crooked teeth and a lack of adequate space for wisdom teeth and constricted airways. SMALL JAWS CAUSE BIG PROBLEMS. Heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, ADHD, depression, and anxiety are a few. In this post, I am going to cover how our lifestyles have changed leading to our current problems, and what we can do about it.

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My Carnivore Diet Disaster and Recovery

As many of you know, I started the carnivore diet on January 1, 2020, hoping to give it one year. The year sped by without me experiencing any significant issues being a carnivore. I cured two chronic orthopedic problems (thumb and elbow) and improved my body composition, sleep, mood, and more. I achieved near-perfect health and wellness. I decided to start adding plant-based items, including some alcohol back into my diet and see how I fared. My goal was to add variety to my diet, not to improve my health, as it was about as good as it gets. It went poorly. This post will cover what I learned about adding things back into my diet.

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Our Body Iron Levels: Potentially Very Dangerous and Seldom Measured Correctly

Iron is most often associated with anemia when it is low, but it is one of the most critical elements necessary for all life on the plane. Fully one-third of the world's population suffers from iron deficiency. The rate jumps to 2/3 in developing areas. Iron overload (too much iron in the body), which is also called hemochromatosis, is also quite common and is associated with a long list of pathologies and diseases, including early death. The problem with detecting undesirable iron levels lies in the fact that most doctors don't order the correct tests. The tests that they do order have lab value ranges that allow problematic levels to go undetected. The post will address the correct tests your doctor should order to correctly identify problems with your iron levels.

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Are Belching Cows Contributing To Global Warming? Are Feedlots The Way To Solve The Problem?

we all absorb news hoping that we will have a better understanding of the subject when we finish reading or hearing the facts. Journalism has taken on an air of entertainment as well. Many of us enjoy reading and listening to the news. I have no problem with that. The payoff after hearing news is that we feel entertained (sometimes) and smarter. Little do we suspect that the "payoff" in many instances depends on us not understanding the entire complex subject. I don’t go so far as to use the term fake news often. It’s usually just faulty. What might also be faulty is our belief that The author is an expert who did all of the required research into the matter, and we are now experts in the subject he spoke about in his article as a result of his exhaustive digging.

Today I am going to highlight some commonly used knowledge gaps in a recent New York Times article entitled, "Manure, Belching Cows, And All Those Feedlots."

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Chew Your Food More To Be Healthier:Sound Advice or BS?

Are there people who just don’t chew enough to absorb enough nutrients to be healthy, even though they could if they wanted to? How do we know when we have safely masticated food enough to safely swallow? Are all of the recommendations to chew more based on legitimate science? Let’s find out…

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We Have Forgotten Why We Eat and Its Killing Us

In the history of the human race, eating was regarded with the highest priority. The taste was unimportant. Today, overly tasty foods act on the brain the same way alcohol, meth, cocaine, heroin, and many other drugs do. They cause a dopamine hit that will stimulate reward-seeking behaviors that are difficult to control. Flavorful foods are hijacking our brains. Drugs and hyper-palatable/highly processed foods are precisely the same. In both cases, the immediate short-term pleasure overtakes long-term health and wellness. I will cover this unfortunate shift and what we can do about it in this post.

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How Unhealthy Are Americans?

Prevalence of metabolic health in American adults is alarmingly low, even in normal weight individuals. The large number of people not achieving optimal levels of risk factors, even in low-risk groups, has serious implications for public health. In this post I discuss the poor state of our health, why it is so bad, and what to do about it.

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The Carnivore Diet and It's Use As a Preventative Against Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

I have been researching the carnivore diet for the last seven months and have decided to give it a try. The more I learned about it, the more I liked the idea of it as an elimination diet. The one thing I can say with confidence is that it is a very healthy choice when it comes to avoiding tooth decay and gum disease.

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Magnesium: General Health Benefits and Use in Treating TMJ

Low magnesium status is known as hypomagnesemia. Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), insulin resistance, type-2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiovascular disease (e.g., stroke), migraine headaches, and osteoporosis are all associated with low magnesium status. Over half of Americans are deficient in it. Today I am going to talk about all things magnesium, including its use in dentistry.

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Genetic Mismatches And The Terrible One-Two Punch In Our Food System

Although there are several ways our diets have diverged from our ancient ancestors, today, I want to especially touch upon the two primary ingredients in our food supply, causing untold havoc on our health and well-being.

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The Best Insurance Policy Money Can't Buy

Dental insurance, although a benefit is more limited than it appears. The amount of money insurance companies are willing to pay in any given calendar year does not go very far. To that end, I am dedicating today’s post to the ins and outs of insurance, the typical indemnity-style ones, and the traditional insurance our ancestors all benefited from.

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