One of my central warnings on this site is we must avoid eating processed carbohydrates to stave off disease and optimize our health. I have written about it so much that I believed everyone who reads my posts understands what they are. Recently, I have spoken to people who think processed carbs are donuts and cake, not bagels and sandwiches. This post is dedicated to them and all who need a reminder about what processed carbohydrates are, and why they should be avoided. If you don't want to read the whole thing, skip to the end, where I tell you how to identify them and list the most common sources of processed carbs.
Read MoreAs an active clinician with an insatiable appetite for knowledge, I am always searching for new perspectives on our poor health. Sometimes I find antique descriptions of current health problems. I recently found and read a book by George Catlin on how our children can achieve beautiful faces and superior health by ensuring that they sleep with their mouths closed. I had thought this knowledge to be a recent scientific finding, so naturally, I was intrigued and read the book in a few short hours. I was highly impressed with the Native American wisdom he shared. Sadly, the knowledge was largely forgotten and is only followed by a few people today. Here's some of what I learned...
Read MoreInsulin promotes the uptake of glucose by cells and its storage as glycogen. The insulin and glucose tend to balance out in healthy individuals. In healthy individuals, our cells readily respond to insulin and quickly take up glucose. In many people the body produces insulin, but it is not enough to effectively keep up, and blood sugar rises. Most doctors focus on reading blood sugar levels to diagnose health problems. It turns out that high insulin levels precede high sugar levels, making it an excellent predictive test for disease.
Read MoreNow that the trees are all green where I live, I have found my hikes in the woods feel better. It turns out that there is robust science behind this phenomenon. The first people to recognize and study it were in Japan. It turns out, walking in the woods does far more than make you feel better; it measurably improves many aspects of your health. The Japanese researchers were so impressed with the findings that they coined a term called Shinrin-yoku to represent the joys of immersing ourselves in forests.
Read MoreBurning Mouth Syndrome is a burning, stinging, or itching in any portion of the mouth, including the tongue, lips, or cheeks. About one million Americans suffer from it. Because primary BMS is so rare, there is little research on it. Since investigations into the cause and treatment are lacking, patients have few options for diagnosis and treatment, leading to prolonged suffering. This post covers what we know and possible treatment options for Burning Mouth Syndrome.
Read MoreMedical researchers have known for some time that we cannot always assume that our bodies always use vitamin D efficiently. About 25% of the population do not respond to standard doses of vitamin D3 supplementation. Many of them have healthy levels of vitamin D. A new condition has been identified called vitamin D resistance. Only a fraction are genetic in origin. Most cases are acquired during life. Some of the causes are known. This blog discusses the causes and the treatment options.
Read MoreBefore the advent of farming, our jaws were larger; our faces were broader, our teeth were straight, we had adequate room for our wisdom teeth, larger brains, and more space in our throats to breathe. It is a virtual certainty that our changing diets contributed to crooked teeth and a lack of adequate space for wisdom teeth and constricted airways. SMALL JAWS CAUSE BIG PROBLEMS. Heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, ADHD, depression, and anxiety are a few. In this post, I am going to cover how our lifestyles have changed leading to our current problems, and what we can do about it.
Read MoreThe combination of obesity, specific heart-health markers, and some metabolic measurements are collectively known as metabolic syndrome. Essentially our metabolism has a direct impact on our overall health and heart health specifically. The health implications are dire, not just for our cardiovascular systems. With Covid-19, obesity is strongly associated with increased severity of COVID-19 infections, even in the absence of other underlying health issues. In this post, I have included an interactive guide to all of the steps you need to include to improve your looks, mood, and energy level. Your "body composition" will take care of itself as you focus on the things listed in the guide. Best of all, your chances of dying from disease and infection will diminish.
Read MoreWe are in the midst of heated times. The implication that unvaccinated people are dangerous is misguided, and I need to speak up. I present facts and ideas that you may not be aware of. I have nothing against vaccines personally and went out of my way to get certified by my state to provide them for anyone wanting one. I deem the matter a personal choice, and the law and medical ethics support this. I believe the risk from receiving the Covid-19 vaccination is probably minimal. The vast majority of us should take it without fear of harm. Like everything in life, individuals must weigh the pros and cons. The views expressed in this post are my opinions only. You should address concerns about the Covid-19 vaccination only with qualified medical professionals.
Read MoreIt has been reported that surgical face masks contain harmful chemicals to men and their reproductive systems. It has also been reported that they are polluting the environment. It is undeniable that male sperm counts and testosterone levels have been significantly declining over the last several decades. Also, mask litter is everywhere now. How bad is it?
Read MoreEvery workday, I review my patients' medical histories. It is usual for most of them to have health issues. Upon reviewing their medical problems with them, I find that their lifestyles are frequently partially and sometimes wholly responsible for their poor health. Today I thought it would be good to do some statistics, and I want to share my results with you. You will probably be surprised how unhealthy we are. Before we continue, let me ask you a few questions. What percentage of Americans have an illness? What percent are on prescription medication? What percentage of us have allergies? What percent are overweight? How many missing teeth does the average person have? Ready for the answers? Make sure you are sitting down. The figures are not pretty.
Read MoreAs many of you know, I started the carnivore diet on January 1, 2020, hoping to give it one year. The year sped by without me experiencing any significant issues being a carnivore. I cured two chronic orthopedic problems (thumb and elbow) and improved my body composition, sleep, mood, and more. I achieved near-perfect health and wellness. I decided to start adding plant-based items, including some alcohol back into my diet and see how I fared. My goal was to add variety to my diet, not to improve my health, as it was about as good as it gets. It went poorly. This post will cover what I learned about adding things back into my diet.
Read MoreAlmost two years ago, I wrote a piece on lip incompetence. Surprisingly, it has gotten more consistent attention than any other blog I have done. It is a condition where the lips cannot form a seal when your jaw is at rest without straining. It can cause a variety of dental, health, and social problems. For these reasons, it should be diagnosed and correct as soon as possible. If you suspect you may have this condition, consult with your dentist as soon as you can. There is very good research that shows a simple exercise you can do right now can help immensely until you get definitive treatment. Read on…
Read MoreYou have 8760 hours each year to work on your health. You don’t need to be a goody-two-shoes all of the time, just most of it. Spending 2 hours a year with the hygienist will not negate spending the other 8758 hours eating processed carbs. It is up to you to learn what you need to do to be healthy. Luckily, when you eat the foods good for your mouth, you are also eating the exact foods that are good for the rest of you. For a quick list of the other things you need to be doing, read on.
Read MoreAlmost half of the people in the U.S. do not meet the recommended amount of aerobic activity per week, so when I recently spent a week in South Beach, I was impressed at the number of people jogging outside in the balmy weather. Unfortunately, many joggers are hardly specimens of optimal health and remain so after many years of effort. Sadly, often running by itself proves to be little more than a waste of time, with zero results and increased injury rates. I want to muse a little on why that may be.
Read MoreMask dissenters claim they are unhealthy for you, and a few have mentioned that they cause something called mask mouth. I had never heard of it, even though I am a dentist, so I did some digging. I will cover my observations and the science in this post to cover this new phenomenon.
Read MoreIt has been about one year since we started to hear about Covid-19. In that time, we have amassed tons of data on the disease. One thing is clear: the average person who dies from it has 2.6 underlying illnesses. Since most of our modern ailments are rooted in inflammation, I want to suggest six things you can do starting today to decrease it.
Read MoreIron is most often associated with anemia when it is low, but it is one of the most critical elements necessary for all life on the plane. Fully one-third of the world's population suffers from iron deficiency. The rate jumps to 2/3 in developing areas. Iron overload (too much iron in the body), which is also called hemochromatosis, is also quite common and is associated with a long list of pathologies and diseases, including early death. The problem with detecting undesirable iron levels lies in the fact that most doctors don't order the correct tests. The tests that they do order have lab value ranges that allow problematic levels to go undetected. The post will address the correct tests your doctor should order to correctly identify problems with your iron levels.
Read MoreSnoring, mouth breathing and sleep apnea are collectively associated with Sleep Disordered Breathing, or SDB. SDB causes poor oxygenation in the body and the brain dysfunctions as a result. Children are uniquely susceptible to oxygen deprivation because their brains are still developing. Low oxygen and lack of adequate sleep for children's brains often leads to poor concentration, attention problems, hyperactivity, aggression, impulsivity, somatic complaints, and social withdrawal. The issues could be life-long and irreversible if not addressed early. I will cover snoring and its related problems and what you can do about them in today’s post.
Read MoreThe Covid-19 pandemic has caused widespread disagreement in the scientific as well as the lay community. This is normal. As time goes on, we will have a much clearer picture of the pandemic and how to deal with it. However, when new ideas are dismissed, censored, or mocked without foundation, scientific progress can cease, and bad things can happen. Sadly, I have witnessed this first-hand. Let me share my story…
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